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Communicating through drawing...

Architectural Representation
Skirkanich Hall - Elevation

Skirkanich Hall - Elevation

Completely hand rendered elevation of University of Pennsylvania's Skirkanich Hall. Hand drawn line work coupled with photoshopping techniques produced the final work.

Skirkanich Hall Study

Skirkanich Hall Study

A project board of a study into Skirkanich Hall. Materiality, parti, concepts, and plan & section were among those things analyzed. All work displayed is rendered by hand with photoshop techniques applied.

Fisher Fine Arts Library Study

Fisher Fine Arts Library Study

A project board of a study into University of Pennsylvania's Fisher Fine Arts Library. The goal here was to develop an understanding of tone as well as light and shadow, and present this understanding through multiple means. All work is hand drawn.

Prada Store, Tokyo

Prada Store, Tokyo

Using detail drawings of the Prada Store by Herzog & De Mauron I used Rhinoceros rendering program to create a 3D model of the building. After completion, the model was exported to Maxwell for a more professional render. Photoshop techniques were added afterward to create the scene.

Prada Store, Tokyo

Prada Store, Tokyo

Using detail drawings of the Prada Store by Herzog & De Mauron I used Rhinoceros rendering program to create a 3D model of the building. After completion, the model was exported to Maxwell for a more professional render. Photoshop techniques were added afterward to create the scene.

Representation since my first year in architecture school shows an evolution in mediums. Starting with hand rendering techniques coupled with photoshopped rendering, elevation, plan and perspective drawings began to show depth and materiality. Using more advanced rendering programs and techniques, representation approaches a more realistic and professional level.

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