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Jacob Farmer
Architecture Student
Learning the concepts...
The Living Cube
Axon of the Project ModelThe rectangular planes and box-mass are x-ray to show the enveloping stickwork behind. Rendered by hand. | Plan & Section DrawingsFully rendered by hand, these were the first presentable architectural drawings I had ever completed. | Design DiagramsDiagrams that dictated the design of the project. Concepts explored: light/shadow, grids/axis, and rhythm/spacial sequence. |
The first completed project of my architecture career, the living cube was an introduction to architectural concepts as they relate to the human scale. Taking precedent from 30th Street train station in Philadelphia, PA, my explorations in light/shadow, grids/axis, and rhythm/movement led to the final design. The main focus of this project was to begin developing a language of architecture that possessed complex relationships between mediums. All drawings were hand rendered w/ ink pens & markers.
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